Judul : Sedapnya Mie Celor Khas Wong Palembang ( Delicious Celor Noodle Typical food of Palembang )
link : Sedapnya Mie Celor Khas Wong Palembang ( Delicious Celor Noodle Typical food of Palembang )
Sedapnya Mie Celor Khas Wong Palembang ( Delicious Celor Noodle Typical food of Palembang )
Saat berwisata dikota palembang mungkin sebagian besar orang mengatakan pempek adalah makanan khas palembang padahal ada makanan khas dari kota palembang yang mungkin tidak semua orang mencobanya seperti pindang patin, mie celor dll,
Mie celor khas palembang yang cukup terkenal adalah mie celor yang berada di kawasan 26 ilir , banyak yang sudah merekomendasikan mie celor khas palembang ini dan baru kali ini kami sekeluarga sempat mencicipinya.
Lokasinya sangat mudah di jangkau karena masih berada di tengah kota dan dekat dengan kantor dinas walikota palembang serta di dukung dengan transportasi yang banyak tersedia seperti busway, angkot, ojek ataupun taksi. Dan tidak seberapa jauh dari lokasi taman wisata kota Palembang yang di kenal dengan taman kambang iwak besak.
Di kawasan 26 ilir banyak terdapat tempat makan yang menjual makanan khas Palembang yang setiap harinya ramai oleh masyarakat yang beraktifitas dan juga dipadati kendaraan yang sedang mampir untuk mencicipi makanan khas Palembang ataupun membeli oleh-oleh untuk di bawa mudik pulang ke kampung halaman karena memang kawasan 26 Ilir merupakan sentral penjual makanan khas Palembang.
Salah satu tempat makan mie celor yang terkenal akan kelezatannya adalah Mie Celor H.Syafei yang beralamat di jalan merdeka 26 Ilir, maka kami pun langsung menuju tempat tersebut.
Cukup mudah mencari lokasi mie celor H.Syafei karena letaknya berada dipinggir jalan utama dengan lahan parkir yang cukup luas, sehingga anda dengan nyaman memarkirkan kendaraan sembari menikmati mie celor yang tersedia.
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Salah satu mie celor khas Palembang yang terkenal |
Mie celor H.Syafei yang terdapat di jalan merdeka merupakan cabang dari lokasi awalnya yang sebelumnya terletak di kawasan 26 ilir. Dikarenakan tempatnya tidak terlalu luas dan jalan lebih sempit untuk dilalui kendaraan mobil dan juga motor, oleh sebab itu dibuat restoran cabang di jalan merdeka.
Tetapi tidak perlu khawatir walaupun merupakan cabang namun cita rasa mie celor khas palembang ini tetap tidak berubah dan terjaga kelezatannya.
Penataan ruang dan terutama kebersihan saya beri nilai bagus nih, suasananya cukup nyaman dan penyajiannya sudah cukup memuaskan. Ketika menunggu pelayan mengantar pesanan anda, anda juga bisa melihat langsung cara mereka menyiapkan hidangan mie celor yang akan disajikan ke pelanggan karena memang gerobak tempat makanan yang akan disajikan berada tepat di depan pintu masuk. Dan tentunya jangan terkejut jika pelanggan tiba-tiba saja ramai ketika waktu makan siang tiba.
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Gerobak tempat meracik mie celor terletak di depan pintu masuk, memudahkan anda untuk melihat proses penyajiannya langsung |
Tidak butuh waktu terlalu lama untuk menyantap mie celor yang kami pesan, dan memang menu di restoran ini hanya mie celor saja ya karena memang judulnya saja mie celor khas palembang. hehehe :D
Kalau untuk minuman, anda bisa bebas memilih mau minuman dingin atau hangat. Pelayannya akan dengan sigap menyediakannya. Pokoknya langsung maknyuusss, hihihi....
Tampilan mie celor khas palembang yang di sajikan ini sungguh menggugah selera, terlihat lezat dengan tambahan toge beserta telur rebus, dilengkapi lagi taburan bawang goreng dan seledri serta udang yang di cacah kasar. Kuah mie celor ini kental dan gurih dengan campuran udang di dalamnya semakin membuat rasanya lebih lezat. Mie celor ini lebih mantap jika dimakan dengan sambal yang disajikan dan bisa juga ditambahkan sedikit kecap manis. Tetapi tentunya sesuai selera anda ya, coba deh di cicipin dulu kuah mie celor yang masih original alias belum di tambahin sambal atau kecap... hmmm, baru deh terasa aslinya.
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Mie celor dengan kuah kental yang siap disantap dengan tambahan toge, telur rebus dan taburan bawang goreng, seledri dan udang yang di cacah kasar |
Kalau saya suka kuah mie celor yang pedas jadi banyak nih nambahin cabenya :D,,, biar marem deh makannya hehehehe... kalau suka yang sedikit manis tinggal tambahkan saja kecap manis sesuai selera ya,,, Untuk minuman lebih mantap jika memesan teh manis panas atau es teh karena akan menjadi penyeimbang rasa dilidah di karenakan kuah mie celor yang kental.
Sebagian orang mungkin agak merasa aneh ketika pertama kali menyantap hidangan yang satu ini, karena kuahnya yang kental dan benar-benar gurih, tetapi tentunya belum lengkap rasanya jalan-jalan anda di Palembang kalau belum mencicipi hidangan ini meskipun hanya bisa makan sedikit demi sedikit.
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Jadi teringat dengan resep spaghetti saus alfredo yang saya buat, yang bahan dasar sausnya menggunakan susu cair |
Kalau saya pribadi, kuah kentalnya mirip dengan kuah spaghetti dengan saus chicken alfredo yang creamy karena memang bahan dasar sausnya dari susu cair. Dan rasa kuah mie celor ini memang benar-benar creamy di lidah. Jadi, selamat menikmati jalan-jalan anda di Palembang ya :D
When traveling in the city of Palembang probably most of people say that pempek is typical food palembang.
Celor noodle H.Syafei that located on Merdeka street is a branch from its current location previously located in 26 ilir. Because the place is not too broad and impassable roads more narrow for automobiles as well as motorcycles, and therefore made the restaurant a branch on Merdeka street.
It did not take too long to eat Celor noodle that already ordered, and indeed the menu at this restaurant just Celor noodle, yes because it's the title Celor noodle typical noodle of palembang. hehehe: D
If I like the spicy sauce Celor noodle so give me more chili : D ,,, let satisfied eating hehehehe ... if you like a slightly sweeter stay just add soy sauce to taste yes ,,, To drink more steadily if ordered sweet tea hot or iced tea because it will be a balancing sense because of the tongue in a thick sauce Celor noodles.
I personally, thickened sauce similar to spaghetti sauce with creamy sauce of chicken alfredo sauce because it is the basic ingredients of liquid milk. Celor noodle soup and taste this really creamy on the tongue. So, enjoy your travellings in Palembang ya : D
Delicious Celor Noodle Typical food of Palembang
When traveling in the city of Palembang probably most of people say that pempek is typical food palembang.
Even though no typical food of Palembang city that may not be everyone's try it like Pindang patin or boiled catfish, Mie Celor or Celor noodle etc,
Celor noodle is typical food of palembang that famous enough in the area of 26 ilir, many of people already recommended this Celor noodles and this is the first time our family had tasted it in this place.
The location is very easy to reach as it still is in the city center and close to the offices of the mayor of Palembang and is supported by many transportation available such as busway, public transportation, taxis or cabs. And not far from the location of the tourist park in the city of Palembang who are familiar with the Kambang Iwak Besak park.
In the area of 26 ilir there are many eating places that sell typical food of Palembang every day, crowded by people who indulge and also packed with vehicles being stopped by to taste the typical food of Palembang , or buy souvenirs to be brought forth to return to their hometown because the region 26 Ilir is central of typical food of Palembang vendors.
One of the places to eat Celor noodle famous for its delicious taste is Celor noodle H.Syafei which is located at 26 Ilir Merdeka Street, so we went straight to the venue.
Fairly easy to find the location of Celor noodle H.Syafei because it is located alongside the main road with ample parking area, so you comfortably park their vehicles while enjoying Celor noodle here.
Celor noodle H.Syafei that located on Merdeka street is a branch from its current location previously located in 26 ilir. Because the place is not too broad and impassable roads more narrow for automobiles as well as motorcycles, and therefore made the restaurant a branch on Merdeka street.
But no need to worry even a branch yet distinctive taste of Celor noodle palembang remained unchanged and maintained its deliciousness.
For spatial and especially the cleanliness I give good marks ya... the atmosphere is comfortable enough and the presentation is quite satisfactory. When waiting for the waiter deliver your order, you can also see directly the way they prepare Celor noodle dish that will be served to the customer because it is a food cart that will be presented are right in front of the entrance. And of course, do not be surprised if a customer suddenly crowded when lunch time arrives.
Celor noodle carts for dispensing noodle is located in front of the entrance, allows you to see the presentation directly |
It did not take too long to eat Celor noodle that already ordered, and indeed the menu at this restaurant just Celor noodle, yes because it's the title Celor noodle typical noodle of palembang. hehehe: D
For drinks, you can freely choose to drink cold or warm. Servant will readily provide it. Anyway directly maknyuusss, lol ....
Celor noodle palembang that already serves is really tempting, looks delicious with the addition of sprouts along with hard-boiled eggs, comes again sprinkling of fried onions and celery and chopped shrimp in the rough. Celor noodle broth is thick and tasty with a mix of shrimp in it more and make it more delicious. Celor noodles is more stable if eaten with sauce that is served and can also add a little soy sauce. But yes of course according to your taste, try Celor noodle broth for the first that still has not been in the original before you add the sauce or soy sauce ... hmmm, just feels original yummy.
Celor noodles with thick sauce ready to eat with additional sprouts, boiled egg and a sprinkling of fried onions, celery and chopped shrimp in the rough |
If I like the spicy sauce Celor noodle so give me more chili : D ,,, let satisfied eating hehehehe ... if you like a slightly sweeter stay just add soy sauce to taste yes ,,, To drink more steadily if ordered sweet tea hot or iced tea because it will be a balancing sense because of the tongue in a thick sauce Celor noodles.
Some people may feel a bit strange when you first eat the meal on this one, because the sauce is thick and really tasty, but certainly not complete when travellings in Palembang if you have not tasted this dish though could only eat little by little.
I remember the spaghetti alfredo sauce recipe that I made, that the basic ingredients of the sauce using liquid milk |
I personally, thickened sauce similar to spaghetti sauce with creamy sauce of chicken alfredo sauce because it is the basic ingredients of liquid milk. Celor noodle soup and taste this really creamy on the tongue. So, enjoy your travellings in Palembang ya : D
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