Resep Roti Boy ( Coffee Buns Recipe )

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Resep Roti Boy ( Coffee Buns Recipe )

Berikut resep yang ingin saya buat di dapur kecil saya adalah roti boy atau di sebut juga roti O, dan istilah lainnya coffee buns. Saya sih nyaman menyebutnya roti kopi,,, hehehe :D, karena memang bahan topping nya identik dengan aroma kopi yang khas.

Pernah sekali waktu saya dan suami jalan-jalan di salah satu Mall di kota kami, ketika melewati toko roti boy ini memang tercium bau semerbak aroma kopi yang benar-benar menggugah selera. Dengan penampilan roti yang ukurannya juga menggoda, kalau di lihat cukup mengenyangkan untuk satu kali makan.

Tetapi bagi saya dan suami yang gemar makan, satu terasa kurang nih... jadi memutuskan nanti saja deh belinya... ( Padahal roti boy nya sudah ketakutan karena di pelototin terus,,, hehehe :D )
Sudah dulu deh ceritanya, karena penasaran dengan aroma kopinya akhirnya saya mencoba buat sendiri di rumah. Berikut saya bagikan resepnya ya bunda...
roti kopi di dapur kusNeti @2015
Roti boy terlihat yummy kan bund... tetapi memang rasanya pas mantap :D
  • 400 gram tepung terigu
  • 75 gram margarin atau 2 sdm margarin 
  • 11 gram ragi instan
  • 1 butir telur
  • 1/2 gelas air hangat kuku
  • 2 sdm gula pasir
  • 100 gram tepung terigu untuk menguleni
Bahan Biang atau Thang zhong :
  • 1/4 gelas tepung terigu
  • 1/2 gelas air
Bahan Isian Roti :
  • 140 gram margarin, di potong-potong lalu di bekukan di kulkas 
Bahan Topping kopi :
  • 100 gram gula pasir
  • 75 gram margarin atau 2 sdm margarin
  • 28 gram kopi instant rasa moka 
  • 1 sdt kopi hitam, di larutkan dengan 1 sdm air
  • 1 butir telur
  • 2 sdm susu bubuk
  • 75 gram tepung terigu 
Cara Membuat :
  1. Siapkan bahan biang : masak 1/4 gelas tepung terigu dicampur 1/2 gelas air sampai lembut dan sedikit berwarna kuning, angkat dan dinginkan
  2. Sementara itu campur 1/2 gelas air hangat kuku bersama 2 sdm gula pasir, aduk hingga gula larut dan tambahkan 11 gram ragi instan, aduk-aduk dan diamkan hingga ragi mengembang
  3. Membuat bahan topping kopi : campur 100 gram gula pasir, 75 gram margarin, 28 gram kopi instan rasa moka, larutan 1 sdt kopi hitam dengan 1 butir telur. Mixer dengan kecepatan rendah lalu setelah benar-benar tercampur rata naikkan kecepatan mixer. Tambahkan 2 sdm susu bubuk dan 75 gram tepung terigu, mixer lagi sampai halus dan lembut

    resep roti kopi dapur kusNeti @2015
    hasil jadi topping kopi yang sudah di mixer sampai benar-benar halus.
  4. Sisihkan bahan topping kopi, masukkan ke dalam plastik segitiga atau piping bag lalu simpan di dalam kulkas hingga akan digunakan kembali di atas roti
  5. Membuat roti : Masukkan 400 gram tepung terigu ke dalam wadah baskom yang besar, masukkan bahan biang, 1 butir telur kocok lepas terlebih dahulu, ragi instan yang sudah mengembang lalu aduk hingga tercampur rata
  6. Uleni bahan roti di atas permukaan meja yang rata sambil di taburi tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit, tambahkan 2 sdm margarin secara bertahap lalu uleni roti hingga benar-benar kalis. Tutup dan diamkan selama 30 menit sampai 1 jam hingga adonan roti mengembang
  7. Setelah mengembang, bentuk bulat lalu beri isian margarin beku di tengahnya. Rapatkan dan sisihkan terlebih dahulu untuk pengembangan tahap kedua
  8. Panaskan oven sampai suhu 160 derajat celcius, beri topping kopi diatas roti secara melingkar sampai setengah bagian roti tertutupi
  9. Panggang roti selama lebih kurang 25 menit hingga bagian topping mengering, angkat dan dinginkan segera di rak
Ternyata tidak begitu sulit membuat roti yang satu ini ( karena sempat ragu tuh,,, sudah terbayang kesulitannya dulu sih... takutnya nggak berhasil tapi karena penasaran harus maju terus pantang mundur :D )
Akhirnya berhasil deh bunda... bonusnya saya dan suami bisa terpuaskan seleranya dengan menyantap roti kopi yang benar-benar maknyuuusss... So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D

Coffee Buns Recipe

Coffe buns from kusNeti kitchen @2015

Here's a recipe that I want to make in my small kitchen is a boy bread or also called O bread in Indonesia, and other terms coffee buns. I am comfortable call with coffee buns, because it is identical to the topping ingredients coffee aroma.

Never once when my husband and I go for a walk in one of the malls in our town. Once past the bakery boy indeed smell fragrant aroma of coffee that really tempting. With the appearance of bread whose size is also tempting, if the look substantial enough for one meal.

But for me and my husband who likes to eat, one feels less ya ... so decided later bought ...
I've got the story, because I'm curious with the aroma of coffee buns, I finally make my own boy bread at home. Here I share the recipe ...
Bread Ingredients :
  • 400 grams of wheat flour
  • 75 grams of margarine or 2 tablespoons margarine
  • 11 grams of yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup lukewarm water
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 100 grams of flour for kneading
Water roux or Thang zhong Ingredients :
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup water
Bread Stuffing Ingredients :
  • 140 grams of margarine, cut into pieces and frozen in the fridge
Coffee Topping Ingredients :
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 75 grams of margarine or 2 tablespoons margarine
  • 28 grams of instant coffee mocha flavor
  • 1 tsp black coffee, dissolved in 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • 75 grams of wheat flour
How To Make :
  1. Prepare the water roux ingredients : cook 1/4 cup flour mixed with 1/2 cup water until soft and slightly yellow, remove and let cool
  2. Meanwhile mix 1/2 cup lukewarm water along with 2 tablespoons granulated sugar, stirring until sugar is dissolved and add 11 grams of yeast, stir and let stand until yeast expands
  3. Making coffee topping ingredients : Mix 100 grams of sugar, 75 grams of margarine, 28 grams of instant coffee mocha flavor, a solution of 1 teaspoon of black coffee with 1 egg. Mixer at low speed and then after really well blended increase mixer speed. Add 2 tablespoons of powdered milk and 75 grams of flour, mixer until smooth and creamy

    Coffe buns from kusNeti kitchen @2015
    This is coffee topping had been smooth and creamy after mixer
  4. Set aside coffee topping ingredients, put in plastic triangle or a piping bag and store in the refrigerator up to be reused over bread
  5. Making bread : Enter 400 grams of flour into a large bowl container, enter the water roux ingredients, 1 egg beaten off first, which has been expanding instant yeast and stir until well blended
  6. Knead the ingredients of bread on a flat table surface while at sprinkle the flour little by little, add 2 tablespoons margarine and knead bread gradually until completely smooth. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes to 1 hour until the dough expands
  7. Once inflated, rounded shape and give margarine stuffing frozen in the middle. Squeeze and set aside prior to the development of the second phase
  8. Preheat oven to a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius, give coffee topping on bread in a circle until half of bread covered
  9. Bake the bread for about 25 minutes until the topping dries, remove and let cool on a rack immediately
Coffe buns from kusNeti kitchen @2015
This coffee buns that ready to serve...hmmm, Yummy
It was not so difficult to make bread this one ( because it had hesitated ,,, because it was pictured first difficulty ... fear not succeed but out of curiosity to be progressive persist: D )
Finally made it ... as a bonus my husband and I are insatiable appetite by eating bread coffee that was really tender, savory and sweet. Anyway absolutely delicious too. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D

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