Judul : Resep Kue Skippy Kacang Tanah (Skippy Recipe or Peanut Cookies Recipe)
link : Resep Kue Skippy Kacang Tanah (Skippy Recipe or Peanut Cookies Recipe)
Resep Kue Skippy Kacang Tanah (Skippy Recipe or Peanut Cookies Recipe)
Mencoba kue kering yang satu ini bikin ketagihan, rasanya yang gurih dan tidak terlalu manis membuatku semakin cinta hehehe #edisi lebay nih bunda :)Suami suka sekali dengan kue kacang, jadi resep yang mudah berikut ini bakal jadi resep andalan nih di dapur ku.
Nih saya sharing resepnya ya bunda... Selamat Mencoba :D
Berikut bahan dan cara membuatnya
Bahan-bahan :
- 1 kg tepung terigu
- 500 gr gula halus
- 500 gr kacang tanah sangrai tumbuk
- 500 gr minyak goreng
- 1 sdt vanili bubuk
- kuning telur untuk olesan
Cara membuat :
- Sangrai dulu kacang tanah tanpa kulit, kemudian haluskan
- Ayak gula halus dan terigu, masukkan vanili, kacang tumbuk
- Minyak goreng, aduk hingga rata
- Gilas adonan dengan ketebalan sampai 5mm, setelah itu dicetak menggunakan cetakan kue sesuai selera
- Panggang sampai matang 150 derajat celcius selama kira-kira 20-25 menit
- Setelah matang, angkat dan sajikan
- Jika sudah benar-benar dingin, bisa dimasukkan ke dalam toples kedap udara.
Resep yang satu ini bukan yang premium ya bunda... hanya resep sederhana di dapurku. Banyak yang bilang kalau kacang tanahnya diganti dengan kacang mede rasanya bakalan mantap.
Tetapi saya belum pernah mencoba ya bunda... soalnya suka kacang tanah dan lagipula harganya murah meriah dibandingkan kacang mede tetapi rasanya tetap Yummy kok bunda :D
So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D
Skippy Recipe Or Peanut Cookies Recipe
Trying this cookies makes me addicted, it is tasty and not too sweet made me even more likes it. My husband love peanut cookies, so the following easy recipe will be a mainstay in my kitchen.
Here I am sharing the recipe ... Good luck: D
Ingredients :
- 1 kg of flour
- 500 gr powdered sugar
- 500 g of crushed roasted peanuts
- 500 grams of cooking oil
- 1 tsp vanilla powder
- Yolk to spread
How to make :
- First roasted peanuts without skin, then puree
- Sift powdered sugar and flour, put vanilla, mashed beans,
- Cooking oil, mix well
- Flatten the dough to a thickness of up to 5mm, after it was printed using cookie cutters according to taste
- Bake until cooked 150 degrees Celsius for approximately 20-25 minutes
- Once cooked, remove from heat and serve
- If it is really cold, can be put into an airtight jar.
This recipe is not the number one recipe.. it is just a simple recipe in my kitchen. Many say that peanut replaced with cashews taste going steady.
But I've never been tried it. because like peanuts and moreover the price is cheap compared cashews but it's still really yummy. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom: D
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Anda sekarang membaca artikel Resep Kue Skippy Kacang Tanah (Skippy Recipe or Peanut Cookies Recipe) dengan alamat link https://masakharian.blogspot.com/2014/11/resep-kue-skippy-kacang-tanah-skippy.html
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