Judul : Resep Rendang Ati Ayam ( Chicken Liver Rendang Recipe )
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Resep Rendang Ati Ayam ( Chicken Liver Rendang Recipe )
Bagi sebagian orang tidak menyukai ati ayam karena rasanya yang sedikit pahit, tetapi sebenarnya ati ayam mempunyai kandungan gizi yang cukup banyak tetapi tetap mengkonsumsinya jangan berlebihan ya bunda, karena sesuatu yang berlebihan bisa berakibat buruk.
Alih-alih ingin sehat tetapi malah sebaliknya. Saya juga tidak terlalu sering memasak ati ayam. Nah, kalau mau masak ati ayam, resep berikut bisa menjadi andalan di dapur saya...
Bahan - bahan :
- 850 gram ati dan ampela ayam
- 500 gram kentang
- 4 gelas santan kental
- 100 gram cabe merah
- 8 siung bawang merah
- 6 siung bawang putih
- 1 sdm jahe halus
- 1 ruas lengkuas di memarkan
- 1 batang serai di memarkan
- 1 sdt ketumbar
- 1 sdt merica
- 1 sdt pala bubuk
- 1 sdt jinten
- 1 sdt adas
- 1 sdt kayumanis
- 2 buah pekak / bunga lawang
- 1 buah daun kunyit
- 3 buah asam kandis
- 1 sdm garam
- 4 sdt gula
- Minyak sayur secukupnya
Cara Membuat :
- Bersihkan dan cuci 850 gram ati dan ampela ayam
- Kupas, cuci dan potong-potong 500 gram kentang sesuai selera
- Haluskan 100 gram cabe merah, 8 siung bawang merah, 6 siung bawang putih sampai benar-benar halus
- Panaskan beberapa sendok makan minyak sayur di dalam wajan lalu tumis bumbu yang di haluskan hingga harum
- Kecilkan api, tambahkan 1 sdm jahe halus, 1 ruas lengkuas, 1 batang serai, 1 sdt ketumbar, 1 sdt merica, 1sdt pala bubuk, 1 sdt jinten, 1 sdt adas, 1 sdt kayumanis, 2 buah pekak atau bunga lawang, jika kering tambahkan air santan sedikit lalu aduk rata
- Masukkan 850 gram ati dan ampela ayam, aduk-aduk hingga bumbu merata dan tambahkan 1 buah daun kunyit, diamkan sebentar
- Masukkan 4 gelas santan kental, 500 gram kentang yang sudah di potong-potong. Aduk rata dan tambahkan 3 buah asam kandis
- Masak sambil terus di aduk hingga air santannya sedikit menyusut, tambahkan 1 sdm garam dan 4 sdt gula
- Aduk rata, biarkan sebentar hingga bumbu meresap lalu angkat
Untuk kandungan gizi ati ayam bunda bisa melihat sendiri informasinya melalui google search ya,,,
Salah satu hal yang wajib diperhatikan dalam mengolah hati ayam adalah memasaknya sampai matang untuk mencegah keracunan makanan yang berasal dari bakteri campylobacter.
Untuk mematikan bakteri tersebut, masaklah dalam temperatur minimal 70 derajat celcius selama dua menit. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D
Chicken Liver Rendang Recipe
For some people do not like chicken liver because it tastes slightly bitter, but the actual chicken liver has enough nutrients but still consume do not overdo it, because excessive something could be bad.
Instead of seeking healthy but quite the opposite. I'm also not too often cook chicken liver. Well, if you want to cook chicken liver, the following recipe can be a mainstay of my kitchen ...
Ingredients :
- 850 grams of chicken liver and gizzard
- 500 grams of potatoes
- 4 cups coconut milk
- 100 grams of red pepper
- 8 cloves of onions
- 6 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbsp ginger puree
- 1 pieces galangal in crushed
- 1 stalk lemongrass in crushed
- 1 tsp coriander
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1 tsp nutmeg
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp fennel spice
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 2 pieces of star anise
- 1 turmeric leaf fruit
- 3 pieces of kandis acid
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 4 tsp sugar
- Vegetable oil to taste
How To Make :
- Clean and wash 850 grams of chicken liver and gizzard
- Peel, wash and cut into pieces 500 grams of potatoes to taste
- Puree 100 grams of red pepper, 8 shallots, 6 cloves of garlic until completely smooth
- Heat a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in a skillet and saute spice puree until fragrant
- Reduce the heat, add 1 tablespoon of ginger puree, 1 vertebra galangal, 1 stalk lemongrass, 1 tsp coriander, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1sdt nutmeg, 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 tsp fennel spice, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 pieces of star anise, if dry add a little coconut milk and mix
- Enter 850 grams of chicken liver and gizzard, stir until evenly seasoning and add 1 piece of turmeric leaves, let stand a minute
- Enter the 4 cups coconut milk, 500 grams of potatoes that have been cut into pieces. Stir well and add 3 pieces of kandis acid
- Cook, stirring continuously until the water coconut milk dipped slightly, add 1 tablespoon salt and 4 tsp sugar
- Stir and let sit until the flavors mingle and lift
For the nutritional content of chicken liver, you can see for yourself the information via google search,,,
One of the things that must be considered in the processing of chicken livers are cooked until done to prevent food poisoning from campylobacter bacteria.
To turn off the bacteria, cook in a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Celsius for two minutes. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D
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